
#Working4HRM: HRM as Change facilitators

Maria Diricatti | HRM LAV 

The change and role that HR professionals, are called to carry out, with confidence and courage is a change that I define as urgent, and that touches the organisations of any sector: moving the attention from the “to do mode”, to the “being mode”.

Today I want to talk about a change, that affects in particular our sector, the non profit.

Over the last 10 years, different organisations, at different times, have been experiencing an epochal change: the transition from being organisations mainly composed by volunteers or by a volunteering spirit, to organisations in need of structure and professionalism.

Today, generalizing, we could say that two souls coexist within our organisations: those who are born and grown up inside the same organisation or that maybe, who founded it as activists; and those who have an educational background, specific to the non profit sector, or that, after having created a luggage full of competences in the profit sector, decided to turn their lives around and use their competences for a cause that they consider more noble to the business development.

And it was right in that moment, that the figure of the HR was born inside the non profit. It structured itself, by borrowing the best practices from the non profit, by designing an “order” that creates harmony between the different elements that in the non profit have different characteristics and strength, generating a context that can nourish the dream and make the action possible.

All of this, in organisations where different souls co-exist and will get into conflict often.

Once again, the figure of the HR, is called to act the change, or also, I would rather say that it is called to carry out the role of Change Facilitator, by unifying in a virtuous and circulated way the three main elements at the base of the organisation: dream- order- action.

According to my personal experience, the most complex challenge in the change facilitation process, is being able to make the change successful, not just the pure application of a change management model well governed and monitored.

In order to make the change successful, it is necessary that people inside the organisation, from the direction to the staff, make decisions and have to play an active role in the change, so that their actions can be intact and coherent, like a people indeed, and most important like professionals.

In a systemic point of view, it is necessary that our own feelings are in line, at different levels: as an individual, as an individual in the role, as a role in the team, and as a team in the organisation.

From that perspective, the role of the HR as a change facilitator has a fundamental responsibility in the process of awareness development within the organisation. Even though it cannot depend on the full support of the Sponsors that operate the change, in order to operate in that way, we often have to work hard so that the Sponsors, in the first place, develop the awareness of the change that they are promoting.


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