Field Experience in Lebanon: PMC students’ thoughts and feelings

During the weeks of the 11th and 18th September, our PMC – Master in Project Management for International Cooperation, Euro-Project Management and Local Development students were busy with their Field Experiences in Beirut and Tyre, Lebanon.

The students had the chance to meet and work on real projects with many stakeholders: INTERSOSUNDPWorld BankUnion of Tyre Municipalities Terre des Hommes, Danish Refugee Council and other Lebanese associations. They could visit the field and see from up close Project Management and International Cooperation techniques and strategies, as well as getting in contact with a new reality and culture.


 The Union of Tyre Municipalities talking about the Field Experience with the Social Change School on their website.

The field experience was successful in terms of satisfaction, and of the competences acquired.  The students also felt that it positively enhanced their personal and professional development. Now, find out what are our students’ thoughts and impressions by reading their own words!

Quoting our students, the most interesting aspect of the Field Experience was…

“To be part of a real project on the field, even if for a small piece; to understand how the project is connected to others running in the same area”

“Taking part to a real project proposal writing and working together with great professionals

“Getting to know a new country and its dynamics, entering in contact with local people.

“..being in charge of a real program construction, working for so many stakeholders.”

Moreover, the students valued and considered as very useful:

“Having a relationship with local stakeholders and NGOs

“Taking contact with an important NGO and with great professionals”

Professional skills about the process of Project Management”

“The field visit with INTERSOS

“To work actively in a “real” context

“Having the possibility to act and not just stay in front of the process.”

Finally, some of them expressed their wish of having some more days on the field and thanked the School and INTERSOS for the amazing opportunity and experience.

“I would like to thank the School for the organization of such an interesting experience!”

We are satisfied and glad that the hard work of our team, partners and colleagues has been positively recognised by our students, and that they felt that their personal and professional growth has been enhanced by a meaningful and engaging experience on the field and with local NGOs.


Read also the article “Master PMC travels to Lebanon: Field Experience with INTERSOS” if you’d like to know more about the Field Experience.


Do you want to work with the NGOs? Apply now for the Admission and Professional Potential Evaluation Interview, one hour of in-depth dialogue with the managers and HRM of our partner NGOs! 

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