
PMC students on the field in Beirut with INTERSOS Lebanon

Field experience in Lebanon: PMC students working on INTERSOS projects with syrian refugees

Between the 18th and 23rd of March 2018, the students of the Master PMC – Master in Project Management for International Cooperation, Euro-Project Management and Local Development -June 2017 Edition, had their field experience in Beirut -Lebanon, and  had the chance to visit the field and see from up close how INTERSOS works with local communities.

CSMC Doura Shoe Factory

Following the success of last year’s field experience in Beirut and Tyre, a new group of PMC fellows was welcomed by INTERSOS Lebanon staff and local stakeholders for a unique opportunity to work on local projects and give a real contribution, an added value to the students’ professional and personal growth. The students were under the lead of Alessio Di Carlo, PMC Master Co-Director, and Cinzia D’Intino, Head of Didactics. Cinzia actually knows Lebanon and Beirut very well, having worked there in the past.

Aim of the Field Experience was to carry out evaluation activities of an INTERSOS’ project, working with Syrian refugees in the area of Mount Lebanon.

The students were divided into two small groups, the first group was there from 18th – 21st of March 2018 and the second one from 21st – 23rd of March 2018. Both groups started their Field experience with a introductory session and with an “Impact evaluation mission” presentation, followed by a presentation of the UNHCR project (detailed of Collective Site Management Coordination legal and youth initiative) in the INTERSOS Beirut office.

The day was then dedicated to data collection: the students had focus groups with the beneficiaries of the project – families of syrian refugees- to directly evaluate the impact of the project realised by INTERSOS. They visited various collective sites – which is where refugees live and that could either be tents or flats in partly abandoned building- where INTERSOS carries out activities of social, legal and psychological support for those living in the sites. Then, the beneficiares responded to the questionnaries prepared by the PMC fellows, to then evaluate the impact of the activities.

Group one went to meet with the CSMC Doura Shoe Factory and Hrajel Tony Saliba on the first day. Youth Group at Aramoun Municipality, CSMC Khalde and CSMC Choueifat Kourdeye on the following day.

The second group met different stakeholders for Data Collection activities: CSMC Bteghrine Mazraa, Bteghrine Speoro and Chouf Youth Group.

During the final days, the groups analysed the data collected with the questionnaires and worked on their Impact Evaluation Report draft at SCS Guest House to evaluate the direct impact of INTERSOS project on the beneficiaries. Findings were then shared with INTERSOS Project Managers in the Beirut Office. Students are now finalising their report and will be presented to INTERSOS this week.

A special thank to all of those who committed and worked hard to make this unique field experience possible once again, which despite all the difficulities, allowed our fellows to give a real contribution to communities and experience what is is like to work on the field! Thank you and good luck!

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