diplomi master

Our Forces for Good: The feelings of those who make an impact

Feelings and words on the just ended International Masters’ Edition and on the future paths of our graduates

On the 29th and 30th of April 2017, the final day of the International Masters programme at the Social Change School, for the Edition June 2016, was held at the Polo Didattico in Rome. Closing words are left to the Social Change School staff:

These 10 past months, ended with the final exam, have been intense and sometimes tough, but rich in satisfactions. The students have proved to be ready to start a new path in the NonProfit world as professionals, through the presentation of their high-level Project Works. Surely, the best part of this just ended path was the collaboration: as for the students in their teams, for me as coordinator, together with them. To quote the words of one of the graduates: “This adventure for me has been really great”.

Cinzia D’Intino – Coordinator of the Master PMC in Project Management for the International Cooperation.

This year has been a great challenge and a huge satisfaction for me. I am very happy for the path I went through, along with the students. Now the students have the right technical but especially personal competences to fulfil their dreams. I was very surprised and satisfied during the Project Work presentations because I saw the incredible results of this long journey. I am very honored to have had the opportunity to get to know people like them. As a Coordinator of FRAME – Master in Fundraising Management, it is a privilege to follow the students along the path that puts them ahead of new challenges, new passions and knowledges. Realising at the end of the year, to have contributed, even minutely, to the realization of people’s dreams is the energy that empowers my enthusiasm.” 

Federico Atzori – Coordinator of the Master FRAME in FundRaising Management in the NGOs and Community Manager.

The closing days of the masters have been characterized by mixed emotions as normally is when something important ends: sadness for closing a learning experience of value and joy to start a new path as a professional. The Social Change School Fellows presented their final work to a committee I had the honour to be part of. The high quality of the work and the research revealed the qualitative standards of the masters. All the masters’ fellows did an incredible job in proposing innovative and sound projects for local and international cooperation. A special mention has to be recognized to the students of HOPE- Master in Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies, whose final projects on humanitarian assistance on food security, child protection and education, medical assistance and Shelter&NFIs could be easily presented to an international donor such as DG ECHO for their high level of research, quality, innovation and integrated sustainability of the proposals.

Silvia Fontana – Responsible for the Career Service as Professional Development Coordinator


The voices of the future (and of the present) of solidarity

Opinions and feelings of the graduates of the Social Change School Masters, before entering the NonProfit world of opportunities.

Starting a Master with the Social Change School is an important choice, that can turn around both your own life and the one of the people you will meet.

It is a choice taken for pursuing dreams and visions of a better world, by taking up challenges, hours of studying and though exams, by challenging ourselves and facing ourselves and the others…But what are the feelings once arrived at the end of the path and once the doors of a new existence are open?

Let’s find it out from them: words and thoughts, that tell us about the emotions of lives that are changing…

 “That was a really interesting experience to me” (Emiliano)

“I’m so happy…” (M. S.)

“I got a lot more than I expected!” (Lorenzo)

“I started to see an horizon in my life” (Claudio B.)

“From this master we will remember so many things…” (Viola)

“These have been ten very important months for my personal life” (E. S.)

“Just thank you” (Dario)

“I acquired hard skills and soft skills. I changed my mind during  the master” (Mara)

“A lot of work, great human experience and the best that formation can offer”(Alberto C.)

“I want to say thank you for the dedication towards us” (S. C.)

“It was a very big challenge for me and for my entire life” (Nicoletta)

“I think I discovered myself and what is my faith” (Alice)

“This is a beautiful moment but is even scary, because it’s just the beginning…” (Valentina)

“Thank you, because you made me self-confident” (Ilaria)

“There are so many links between us” (Mara)

“During this year I’ve met some of the best people I’ve met in my entire life” (Gabriele)


Listen also to the considerations of three of our students: “Barbara her medical career merges with the humanitarian emergencies”; “Mara: the Master was a successful choice”  and “Francesca, grateful to the professionals she has met during the Master”.


Read also the words of encouragement for our graduates by Marco Crescenzi, President of the Social Change School, in his latest Editorial: Forces for good- Our students on the field with the NGOs after the International Masters.


Do you want to work in the NGOs? Apply now for the Admission and Professional Potential Evaluation Interview, one hour of in-depth dialogue with the managers and HRM of our partner NGOs! 

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