Fabio Lopez

Career Development Service Coordinator

Fabio has gained many years of multi-functional professional experience in the Third Sector, particularly in the areas of training and education, aid relations and management of development cooperation and humanitarian emergency projects by collaborating with United Nations (UNICEF) and several International Organizations (Save the Children, Caritas, Tree of Life Foundation among others) in Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa.

Graduated in Education and Training Sciences as Expert in Social Integration and Intercultural processes he specialized first in Project Management in International Cooperation at the Social Change School and then in Human Resources.

He has deepened the studies and practices of Coaching, Counselling, Social Theatre, Art Therapy, Clowning and Mindfulness orienting these disciplines towards a systemic educational and training approach aimed at the promotion and development of fair and sustainable human well-being.

He loves to support and facilitate people in listening to their vocation, discovering their talents and express oneself.

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