HOPE – Humanitarian Logistic Manager

The profile is sought by humanitarian International and National NGOs and by the United Nations agencies intervening in natural disaster and man-made crises.

Emergency actions respond to hazardous situations, that represents a critical threat to the health, safety or wellbeing of a community. In 2022, estimated 274 million people worldwide were dependent on humanitarian aid: from Afghanistan to Ethiopia and Yemen to Myanmar and Syria. Never before has the suffering worldwide been so great. These areas were hit by exceptional and un/foreseeable causes which resulted in a situation of emergency.

The profile has strong organisational competence and provides support to programmes’ implementation and safety and security management.

More specifically, the logistic team is in charge of procurement, transportation, management of premises, management of means of communication and IT. As all the other departments, they support the new proposals writing.

In humanitarian action, like all professional roles, the logisticians are often called upon to act quickly in responding to a sudden need or unforeseen changes in the context of work/life, due to the volatile emergency situation.

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