
We need new leaders for great challenges!

On Saturday 16, July 2016, the first day of the new edition of ASVI Social Change Masters was held at the Polo Didattico in Rome,  for the masters in Project Management for the international Cooperation, in Fundraising Management and in Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies.

A day that can be considered more than international thanks to the presence of a lot of foreign students, coming from different parts of Europe, among the 42 new students that attended. Marco Crescenzi, ASVI Social Change Staff, the Master’s Directors and also some representatives of the historical Partners, introduced the students to their new and exciting experience.

The President of the Social Change School Marco Crescenzi gave a welcoming speech to the new students, he underlined the importance of networking and integration with the different communities and institutions, in particular, after the recent international issues, he highlighted that “the school will increase its efforts to connect to the young Islamic networks, this can be a strong alliance to defeat fundamentalism”. Within the former alumni, the school has had fantastic Muslim students, like Rassmea Salah, who is now Trainer for , their leadership potential is very strong, and they are hard workers.

According to M. Crescenzi “the world and the non profit sector need new leaders in Europe able to deal with the big challenges of humanity”; leaders who invest in their job, not just their “soul and passion” but also theirskills and professionalism”, essential requirements for achieving the social change.

Our Partners and Master’s Directors intervened by telling the students about their job and passion for the non profit sector, and how  undertaking this career path has changed their life in better, allowing them to realize their own dreams. The masters’ representatives that attended were: Giampiero Giacomel-FRM Master Director; Lodovico Mariani-HOPE Master Director, Sandro Calvani-Strategic Adviser for HOPE Master, who intervened with a video, and Alessio di Carlo-Co-director of the PMC Master.

The Partners’ representatives were: Paola Cocchi-Human Resources Manager on behalf of Amref Health Africa; Federica Corsi-Policy Officer for OXFAM; Pia Cantini-International Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid Expert for Save The Children; Benedetta Genisio– Digital and New Media Responsbile for AGIRE-Italian Agency for Emergency Response; Lodovico Mariani-Human Resources Officer for INTERSOS; Maria Carla Cardelli– Fundraising and Communication Office for LIBERA, Associations, names and numbers against mafias and also Senior Adviser of the FRM Master.

As a tradition, a former student from the latest edition, Gianluca Gafforio, passed the ASVI Social Change flag to a new student, to symbolise the continuity of the work that Asvi Social Change has done since 1998, by training more than 1000 students. During the second part of the day, the students were the real protagonists of the event as they had to present themselves with an object that could better describe their experiences and the dream that they want to realize with the ASVI Social Change Master!

A very felt good luck to our new students for the coming experience!

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