
Marco Crescenzi in Merits’ Advisory Board

Marco Crescenzi is now part of Merits’ Advisory Board.

Promoted by former Master FRAME – Fundraising & Philanthropy Manager, Communication, Cultural Marketing & Cultural Philanthropy student Roberto Sanlorenzo, Merits is a project with a great focus on social innovation. Its mission is to advance, reward and certificate active citizenship and volunteering through community processes that will include the use of complementary currency (i.e., merits). They will also involve the various parties in the territory, the public, businesses, no-profit, social media.

President Marco Crescenzi stated that “It is a pleasure and an honor for me to support innovative projects like this, particularly when they are promoted by professionals and managers coming from Social Change School. I am sure they are a good example for all our students”.

Together with Social Change School’s President, other well-known social actors are part of Merits’ Board, like Mario Calderini (Politecnico di Milano, Impact Finance expert), Irene Bengo (Expert of social impact measurement systems, TIRESIA research group), Luigi Bobba (Terzjus president, Global Inclusion and ENAIP Moçambique Committee President), Stefano Zamagni (Economist, Professor), Francesco Zurlo (Industrial Design Research Doctor, Professor).

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