
About our days in Brussels with PMC fellows: Europroject Management and European Commission

Our fellows of the Master PMC – Project Management for International Cooperation, June 2018 Edition, were in Brussels for a workshop about Europroject Management Standards, Programmes, Strategies and Techniques. The workshop took place from the 11th to the 14th of December and was led by Christopher Devlin, Institutional Fundraising Division Head at Terre des Hommes.

About our days in Brussels with PMC fellows: Europroject Management and European CommissionThe cycle of workshops started with a focus on Europroject Management, with the lecturer talking about the EU funding system and how to find the proper call for proposal for a project and write a winning proposal; the lecturer went through fundamental topics like European policy, funding system and the analysis of a call for proposal.
The following day, Devlin presented Partnership Management to the fellows, and described how to build a winning partnership. The lecturer concentrated on how to build and manage an international partnership and how to do a teaming agreement.
On the third day, the focus moved to The Budget of a European Project and had as a main objective that of knowing the basic concepts and techniques of project budgeting, in particular an EU budget.

The last day in Brussels was spent visiting the European Commission, where fellows participated first to a meeting About our days in Brussels with PMC fellows: Europroject Management and European Commissionabout The European Commission: the political executive of the European Union with Dr Bela Beres, from Legal Service, then to the meeting Humanitarian Aid And Civil Protection with Mr Michal Lacza, from the Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO), and finally to The EU’s Development policy, a meeting with Mr Antonio Carlos Teixeira, from the Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development.
The day ended with a visit of the Berlaymont building, accompanied by Dr Bela Beres.

Cinzia D’Intino, Head of Didactics and Master Coordinator believes that “Christopher Devlin’s experience certainly constituted a great added value for the workshop. Students demonstrated once again their proactivity during group exercises, facing the assigned tasks with readiness and seriousness”.

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