ESN Italy assembly

Social Change School and Erasmus Student Network Italy: training the future NonProfit leaders!

Social Change School and Erasmus Student Network Italy

In Palermo for ESN- Erasmus Student Network Italy’s third General Assembly.

From the 9th till the 11th of June 2017, in Palermo, the third ESN- Erasmus Student Network Italy’s third General Assembly was held, ESN is amongst one of the Student and Citizenships Networks partner of the School. As for the partnership, as for AIESEC, it is agreed the concession of Scholarships, reserved to the members of ESN Italy, to facilitate the access to the Masters to those young people who are strongly motivated to work in the NGOs.

Alessio di Carlo, Co-director of the Master PMC in Project Management  for the International Cooperation, and Founder and Vice President of the Association CooperAction Onlus, took part at the event as a representative of the School. A busy weekend full of events, organised by Erasmus Student Network Palermo, with the participation of the local representatives of the organisation, and of the authorities of  Comune di Palermo and Università degli Studi di Palermo, and the partners: Campus Party Europe and Social Change School.

ESN Italy, is the national body of ESN- International Exchange – Erasmus Student Network, with 39 member countries, is the biggest European student association in Europe, that connects and supports each year thousands of international students.

The partnership with the Social Change School, was in fact born to promote the professional growth amongst the youth, that are part of the Young Leader Networks’, and to train the future NonProfit leaders!

The commitment of ESN to facilitate the internationalisation, inclusion and exchange at a European level of the new generations, but also the promotion of policies close to the  needs of young people (eg. CARTA DELLA GENERAZIONE ERASMUS) and the attention towards ethical/social issues (as for example the project ExchangeAbility, for students with disabilities), reflect values and objectives in line with the Social Change School.

Simone Acquaviva,  President of Erasmus Student Network Italy, shared his thoughts on the partnership with the School:

“ESN Italy, non profit volunteer student association, is rooted in 52 italian Universities and it is member of Erasmus Student Network, it is proud to collaborate, for the second year in a row, with the Social Change School. The experience and professionalism of the School, will help our volunteers in their personal growth and in improving the quality of our local sections and of our network. We have had the honour to attend the workshop of the Engineer Di Carlo,  on behalf of the SCS, during our General Assembly in Palermo and the attendees have been enthusiastics.”

Alessio di Carlo, who also was a former Erasmus student and former student of the Social Change School, has intervened by telling his story and experience on the field. He has moreover presented the opportunities reserved to ESN Italy members, like the Scholarships for those who intend to take part in the Social Change School’s Masters.

Finally, the event has hosted a discussion on the new three-year planning of ESN. At the same time, Alessio di Carlo led a participative workshop on Planning and Fundraising, with a focus on the planning modalities (emergency and development) and on how the fundraising is transversal to them.


Photo source: ESN Macerata


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