“ASVI Social Change is a network”


Alessandra Panzera, graduated from  FRM  – Master in Fundraising Management, Communication, Marketing, Social Media and Social Campaigns tells us about her experience in ASVI Social Change.

“To me ASVI Social Change means network: during my master I had the chance to cooperate with enthusiast and competent professionals as well as friends for facing challenges in the Third Sector.  Thanks to ASVI Social Change Master, I have finally found my way and the leitmotiv of my professional experiences!

Early the first day of the master, the interactive presentation made me understand that my sensitivity and strong empathy could pave me the way to involve people for a good cause and put them in contact with some organisations. After working for ASIA NPO as a project manager in Italy during my master year,  I am now involved with school education-oriented projects for Amref Health Africa… and I’m trying to turn my master’s final project into something real!”

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