Project Management for Emergencies. Let’s learn more from two international experts

On March 20th, 21st and 22nd, 2015 ASVI Social Change and its Master HOPE in Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies Managing Projects, People, and Administration & Logistic in the Field presented a three-day workshop entitled Disaster Management. Project Management for Emergencies Three international professionals held classes:

Christopher Devlin, Development and Donor Relations Director at ICJ ā€“ International Commission of Jurists in Geneva. He focused on Project Programme Management.

Tanja Berretta, ECHO Partnership Management at Plan International in Brussels. She focused on Project Cycle Management ā€“ Disaster Risk Management – Inclusion (vulnerable groups)

Silva Ferretti, humanitarian/development professional. She focused mainly on accountability, evaluation, learning.

Devlin, Berretta and Ferretti have often worked on international projects together and in fact, they presented themselves, to the class, as a strong and united team.

The aim of Devlin, Berretta and Ferretti was to train the class to work in small and larger groups. In order to do so, they started off by working on the so called PCM Journal and what the students learned was that ā€œProject management is especially about managing peopleā€ (Christopher Devlin).
During the first workshop, students were involved in a role-play. With this method, participants carried out practical activities and were trained to organize a hierarchy of objectives.
The second workshop focused on PROJECT CYCLE MANAGEMENT: IMPLEMENTATION and MONITORING and once again students were directly involved in a ā€œDilemma Game: water or women?ā€
The final day was largely dedicated to all the different aspects of the Logframe approach: its limits and the accountability to primary stakeholders.

The objective of the three-day training was to deliver a strong sense of cooperation and teamwork to students who want to work in managing emergencies on field.

In the video below, we have the chance to learn something more about Christopher Devlin and Tanjya Berretta.

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